Dear reader,
On the front page of the December edition of the Aquarian we have the note “The Advent of Blessings”.
Page two presents “The Joy of Serving”, a famous poem by Gabriela Mistral, the Chilean Nobel Prize for literature in 1945 who was also a theosophist.
Page 3 has a link inviting you to re-examine the possibility that Jesus Christ comes back this Christmas. Not very likely, perhaps. But what could actually happen if He did?
On page four, “Finding the Key to Real Progress”.
Other topics in the December Aquarian:
* Voluntary Simplicity is a Form of Bliss.
* The Power of Will in the Education of One’s Subconscious.
* Mesmerism and Hypnotism: Helena Blavatsky, on Science versus Theosophy.
* Thoughts Along the Road: Independent Thinking in Western Nations.
* Self-Control and Contentment - 01: How Far the Sensations, Appetites, Passions and Affections Are in Our Power, by Francis Hutcheson.
* Russian Thinkers, on Happiness: a Selection of Sentences, and
* The Point of View of the Soul: The Spiritual Mystery and Mission of Eastern Europe
With 19 pages, the edition contains the List of New Items in the associated websites.
The Editors
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 09 December 2022. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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