Dear reader,
The January 2022 edition of the Aquarian starts with “On Building Air Castles”, by O. S. Marden.
According to Marden -
“Some people have a great contempt for dreamers. They pride themselves on their extreme practicality, and are fond of asserting the folly of building castles in the air. Yet every great achievement in the world’s history was first foreshadowed in the mind of the achiever. It was “a castle in the air”, an impalpable dream, a something dimly, and, in the beginning, vaguely outlined in the imagination before it became a real, substantial structure.”
On page 3 we have “Taoism, Ancient China and the Andean Utopia”.
On page 5, the longest article of January: How Theosophy Defeats Racism - Universal Brotherhood Brings Justice to All.
And these are other topics:
* Colonel Fawcett, a Mystery in the Amazon (p.12).
* Concerning the Moral Sense - 04 - Or the Faculty of Perceiving Moral Excellence, And Its Supreme Objects. By Francis Hutcheson (p.13).
* Thoughts Along the Road: an Elevated Goal, a Steady Will, a Sense of Inner Balance (p.16).
* The Ideological Delusion (p.18).
With 19 pages, the edition contains the List of New Items in the associated websites.
The Editors
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The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 14 January 2022. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.