Dear Reader,
The opening thought of July
2017 edition states:
“There is a natural balance to life, and in every aspect of it.”
Starting on page one, “The Art of Becoming a Lamp” examines the moment when the separation between
inner and outer vanishes and the unity of all things is seen.
On pages two and three, we
have “The Tools to Build a Sane Society:
Outward Change Is Often Illusory”. One page four, “Samuel Pufendorf, on the First Duty of a Human Being”.
The reader finds the note “N. Sri Ram Examines an Extraordinary Word”
on page five. On page six, “The Power of
Chinese Wisdom”. After that, “The Mahatma Letters: a Human Child as a
These are other topics in
the July 2017 edition:
* Exaggeration is the beginning
of the end;
* The decision to think by
* The process of time;
* Thoughts Along the Road -
the wisdom of the soul; and
* The Writings of an
Eastern Master - 03, transcriptions from the letters of Blavatsky’s Teacher.
The 21-pp. edition includes the List of New Texts in our associated
The Editors
[Contact us:
indelodge@gmail.com .]
[You can find the entire collection of “The Aquarian”
at our associated websites.]