Dear Reader,
This is the opening thought:
“One must identify,
observe and eliminate subconscious forms of selfishness.”
On page one, we have “Preparing
2025: a Noble Purpose Leads to Frankness and Direct Language”.
Pages 2-5 present the
article “The World as a Mirror of the Soul: There Is No Separation Between One’s Inner Life and the External Universe”.
On pages 5 through 7, there
is an article by Steven H. Levy, M.D., entitled “The Power of the Movement:
The Union and the Strength of Theosophists Come From the Original Teachings”.
Then the reader finds “A Course in
Theosophy: Weekly Lessons Due to Start on June 25”.
On page 8, we see “The
Alchemical Purification”. Between
pages 9 and 12, we see “The Secret of Tomorrowland : a Film on
the Theosophy of the Future”, and “Inside Out: Disney
Teaches About Levels of Consciousness”.
Other topics in the June
edition of the “Aquarian” include:
* Helena Blavatsky: On
the Karma of Christian Persecution Against Judaism;
* The 2015 Editorial
Note, and the direct link to our Online Edition of Rohit Mehta’s Pamphlet “Spiritual
Organization & Exploitation”; and
* Thoughts Along the
Road: Observing the Sacredness of Daily Life.
The 19 pp.
edition includes the List of New Texts in our websites.
Best regards,
[Contact us: indelodge@gmail.com.]
You can find the entire collection of “The Aquarian Theosophist”
in our associated websites.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind
during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255
pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.