Volume XIV, Number 5

Dear Reader,
The opening
sentence of “The Aquarian” says:
is the guarantee and the honor of all virtues.”
On the front cover
we have a note on the fact that the feeling of goodwill is the keystone in
human relations.
On p. 2 a note
entitles “The Transcendent Beauty of Truth”. Then follow the texts “To Enter the Path”, “Karma
and Bliss”, and “On Asking Ourselves ‘Why’, a Recurrent Issue on
Universal Cycles”.
Other topics in
the March edition are:
*On Action and
Magic of the Moon;
Instantaneous and the Eternal;
Action on Facebook;
Time for Awakening;
Peace and Concentration;
Way to Look at Problems Must Contain the Seeds of Their Solution;
Denounces The Industrial Military Complex;
Time to Contemplate the Oneness: Justice to Judge in 2014;
*The Legacy
of William Q. Judge, by Steven H. Levy, M.D.;
and Bliss in Life;
Page in “The Secret Doctrine”: The Advice That HPB Did Not Follow;
Burnier: Obstacles and Bliss;
On Following a Noble Ideal;
19 pp. edition includes the List of New Texts in www.TheosophyOnline.com and its associated websites.
Best regards,
The Editors
[Contact us: indelodge@gmail.com.]
You can find the entire collection of “The Aquarian Theosophist”
in our associated websites.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind
during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255
pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.