Volume XIII, Number 8
Dear Reader,
The June 2013
edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist” is available.
The opening
article is “Jupiter and the Planetary Family: The Giant Planet Teaches a
Pythagorean Lesson”. Jupiter is now entering a new sign, as part of its
permanent work around the terrestrial Zodiac.
Each new ULT Day
commemorates the work and the life of Robert Crosbie, the founder of the ULT. In order to mark the ULT Day on June 25th, we
are publishing an article by Steven H. Levy entitled “The Mission and Future
of The United Lodge of Theosophists” (pp. 2-5).
The note “Robert
Crosbie” contains biographical data on this pioneer and a unique fragment on
the daily life of truth-seekers.
“Mahatma Gandhi’s
View of Food” is the article written by Mr. B. P. Wadia. Its subtitle gives
us the main idea: “To Eat With Discernment Helps Inner Purification”.
On p. 8, we can
see a note by Joaquim Soares: “The Importance of Free Debate”. Its
subtitle underlines a fact of fundamental importance: “criticism is the
great benefactor of thought in general”.
The article “Vieira,
a Pioneer of Theosophy” examines the life and the work of António Vieira,
“the 17th century friend of Jews, Indians, and Black People”.
There is a second
article by Steven H. Levy, entitled “The Power of the Small: One’s Trust in
the Law is Developed Through Attention”. The edition includes a number of short,
illustrated notes on various topics, and the analysis of “A Little-Known
Photo of HPB: An Outer Image Expressing Inner Feelings”.
The story of “The
Aquarian” is shown on p. 18. The edition closes with the List of
New Titles in www.TheosophyOnline.com and
associated websites.
Best regards,
The Editors
[Contact us: indelodge@gmail.com.]
You can find the entire collection of “The Aquarian Theosophist”
in our associated websites.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind
during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical
Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255
pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.